Who Are The People In My Neighbourhood?
Who Are The People In My Neighbourhood? by Angela Sanford
As a coach and mentor in my professional life, I recognize the importance of having a model to aspire to. Too often, in our personal lives, we neglect to reflect on ourselves and neglect to seek role models we can identify with, learn from, and aspire to, and remember age makes no difference, as we continue to learn our entire lives from those older and those younger than us.
As a much younger person I watched “Sesame Street” daily and enjoyed the segment, “Who are the People in your Neighborhood?” - and yes, I am singing the lyrics to this song while bobbing my head, even if I can’t recall the five items on my grocery list that I forgot at home earlier today.
To begin such a series based on my home community of the greater Hants North area, it is important to start with a leader, a caring and compassionate young man whose life was taken too soon, Anthony Miller.
Anthony was well liked and respected by his peers, family, coaches, teachers, and community. In his grade nine year at HNRH, I had the pleasure of first teaching Anthony and realizing the extent to which his personality reached, or so I thought. He was already demonstrating strong leadership skills and courage and strength - attributes that would define him a few short years later.
It was in his 11th year at HNRH, that I worked more closely with him and came to truly appreciate the learning I benefited from in our relationship. I was seeking a student to fulfill a leadership role for a particular school group. I was searching for a student who was approachable by all students (7-12), someone with self confidence, a problem solver, and for every question, Anthony was the answer. He accepted the challenge and brought energy and his contagious smile to the team and to the school in his new role.
Anthony also excelled at sports, specifically baseball. He was a natural leader on the field, also, and when the BIG C gave him the biggest challenge of his life he faced every obstacle, decision, and outcome with the same attributes he so eloquently modeled for others. He was a leader and model for each of us as we lost someone so dear.
In his passing, Anthony continues to be a leader, full of compassion and vibrancy. Yearly, a memorial lob ball tournament is held in his honour with the proceeds benefiting the QEII Foundation. The event not only provides the QEll with financial support but provides the community with an opportunity to reflect on his leadership within this community.
While it is not only for Anthony’s leadership that we will remember him, it is a quality by which we can each model from his example. It is the leadership of Anthony Miller that makes his story fitting to be the model for the stories to come in this series “ Who are the People of My Neighbourhood?”