E. H. Horne - The Gift That Keeps On Giving
E. H. Horne - The Gift That Keeps On Giving by Marie McKeen

In 2000, a group of dedicated volunteers approached the school board and the Municipality of East Hants with a plan to take on the preservation of the E H Horne School. It was an undertaking involving
countless hours of volunteer work -not to mention the negotiations involved.
Warden Lloyd Matheson was very supportive in acquiring the building. It was challenging finding money to get this project off the ground. Harold Irving (HRDA) was extremely helpful in securing funds to carry
over until the building could be properly acquired and readied for tenants.
After months of meetings and negotiations, the E H Horne School Preservation Society (EHHSPS) was formed, and the building acquired. The next three years were dedicated to the long overdue restoration of
the building, most of which was done through the work of volunteers – and with the help of a summer student (for three summers while in university.) The results were amazing, and the building took on new
Over the years there have been many new faces on the EHHSPS. Some of the original members have moved on to work on other projects, some have since passed away, and some just burned out.
The E H Horne School continues to be an integral part of the East Hants community. In preserving the building, the EHHSPS has provided space for many valuable services to the residents of East Hants.
Some of these include childcare services, dance classes, educational programs, the local heritage centre, as well maintaining a community room for many years.
Hopefully the E H Horne School (a gift from Edmund and Anna Horne) will remain a cherished landmark in Enfield for many years to come.