Forgotten Warriors - Part II
Forgotten Warriors by Peter Ashley

Although his attestation form stated he was born in Hantsport, James Cope was actually born in Stanley. During World War I he, along with his father Joseph and a brother John Peter all enlisted in the army. Both James and his brother had lied about their age in order to enlist, James being 16 and John Peter only 15. Both men served overseas, but James did not return home, having been killed on April 17, 1918 by a German artillery shell while asleep in the front- line trench at Aux-Rietz, France. He was a member of the 25th Battalion, Nova Scotia Rifles.
Although the Canadian Virtual War Memorial site states he was 21 when he was killed (born January 9, 1897) James was actually only 18 years of age, his birth certificate stating he was born January 9, 1899. Another brother of James was only five when James and John Peter enlisted. Leo would later enlist during World War II and be killed just three days after D-Day. Leo was from Sipekne’katik.